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GodofWine said:
Personally, I think any site that did a review on this already, without clearly stating in the sub-title that they are going to re-review it in a month or two to allow for patching / fixes etc, is a bit short sited and unreliable.

At least some of the biggies have held off..a release day review would only be an accurate representation of that exact moment in time, which is unfair to any online game, especially one where the servers are getting hammered to pieces.

So a game can be released, in an incomplete or unreliable form, and reviewers should state that it will be re-reviewed when the company decides to fix it?  Huh?  HOW about releasing the game when it's ready?

On topic, reviewer from 1up (Joe Rybickki [sp?]) says that once patched, the game will probably be kick-ass, but as it currently exists, has a few bugs (e.g. scope on sniper rifle issue) and server issues that really impact your enjoyment of the game.  I think somebody above said it best; wait a couple of weeks and check back.