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October12345678 Soriku, Axumblade9 Snesboy101112 Lolita, Oliist13141516171819 Sc945972021 DMeisterJ, Baddman, Colonelstubbs, Finalrpgfantasy 
22 Mesoteto2324 Elgefe0225 SHMUPGurus262728293031 Blazinhead89
November12 OnliveFans.com3 456789 Supermario128, Deathgod331011 BoleroOfFire12 Segajon13 Headshot91141516 Thekitchensink171819 Possum545420 PDF21 Fazz22232425262728 Hunter_alien2930 Dogsforlife
December12 Dsister44
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 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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