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mrstickball said:
........Could it be that LBP is getting 0's not because of X360 fanboys, but outraged LBP fans that are disgruntled over Sony caving in to a meaningless (in fans eyes) thing?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the article says absolutely nil about who is bringing down the score. Again, I'd point to disgruntled LBP fans and not Fable 2 fans. Stop trying to create arguments when you have no real proof of such a thing.



The scores was posted before the delay :) I saw it from the hotel but I didn't know my password so I couldn't post it here... I was surprised nobody noticed it. Hence though, it wasn't because of the delay. And It was not meaningless in my opinion. I suppose it would be the same thing as a game insulting the Virgin Mary and calling her names for Catholics. I'm neither Catholic nor Muslim... but it just seems the same and the right move.

There is nothing more holy for Muslims than th Qu'ran. Even more so than their holy Prophet as it is the inspired word of god.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!