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Marc Doyle, Games Editor: My advice for our faithful users is to focus your attention on the Metascore for this game and not the thousands of user votes, most of which have been submitted before said users have played the game. This is a gaming community, and if people want to stuff the ballot box, there's not much I can do at this point. When we upgrade the registration requirements for participation on the site in the near future, this type of thing won't happen. We'll post the full legitimate user reviews upon the game's release. As always, thanks for using the site.


Note:- This happened "before" the anounced delay by sony for the LBP game. I just got back from a conference so I couldn't post it.

For those who actually missed out a bit on what happened:

A few days ago, the flagship game of the Playstation 3 system, Little Big Planet (LBP) was delayed. It was scheduled to launch on the same day as the highly anticipated game on the Xbox 360 system by the name of Fable 2. For several months now, fans of both system have been preaching about the superiority of either game even though they are completely and entirely different genres. Hence, while the game couldn't be compared on the technical aspects, both X360 and PS3 fanboys stated arguing(pathetic I know...) about which game would actually get higher sales or scores.

As I scour across the VG forums, I cannot help but stumble on the countless threads about those predictions and make it a point not to post in any of them so as not to encourage the fanatism. It goes to prove my point as to the extent both sides are willing to go to try to vindicate their way of thoughts.

However, nothing beats the following:

As the situation unravelled itself, It became increasingly clear with the release of the LBP and Fable demos, which games would be getting the better reviews. Post fan experience after they have played portions of the game either justified or nullified the hype surrounding the game. A couple of weeks ago, the first reviews flew in and quite unsurprisingly (even though I'm a massive fan of the first fable), LBP recieved universal acclaim while Fable II did not. Many fans including the "most prominent" x360 loyalists on these forums with several thousands posts to their names have been touting Fable II to be the RPG of the year. Clearly, it is not. Obviously, they have failed to deliver.

A great many X360/Fable II fans found themselves in this situation and when looking at the Metacritic score and discovering the trend of official media reviews indicating 95+ for LBP and less than 89- for Fable II, they started sabotaging the user scores and started voting for LBP with a 0 presumably even before playing the game.

This prompted metacritic to issue the statement above, upset about how the presumed fans abused the system. This will be a good thing though, as it appears it has encouraged them to modify the way votes are gathered.


Feel free to contribute :) I for myself am waiting for the release of WKC. Not because I intend to buy the game but because this time, it is the PS3 fanboys that are touting it as the RPG of the year. If it is indeed the case, so much the better for them but if it is a flop... I will enjoy laughing! ^^ Anyone wants to say WKC will be huge?

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!