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I remember at the beginning of the CD era (Saturn, Playstation), when the Playstation got hacked with the modchip, blank CDs and burners were expensive and almost everyone used dial-up or low bandwidth dedicated connections (650 MB were a pain in the ass), and when the DVD era started (PS2, GC, Xbox), blank DVDs and DVD burners were expensive and internet speeds were slow for 4.4 or 8.5 GB, that didn't stop people from doing it...


Now is practically the same situation for Blu-Ray and the PS3, 25 GB won't stop people from hacking it, except that this time, the PS3 is alone with the Blu-Ray, 360 and Wii use DVDs, and PS3 has a few exclusive titles compared with past generations, everyone that wants to play illegal multiplatform titles buys a 360 and plays them, lowering the necesity to have the PS3 hacked...