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Bitmap Frogs said:
Domicinator said:

Fortunately, on Windows or Linux, I can go out and get every single one of those types of applications free of charge from any creator/vendor I choose.  I don't have to get the blessing of Steve Jobs before I run something on my PC, and I certainly am not restricted to a small list of things that have been deemed acceptable by him.  I can go to, find the best rated choice for my specific need, and I'm off to the races.  BTW, OpenOffice is a perfectly acceptable alternative to MS office, and it's 100% free.

Sorry, have to add this:  Windows gets ripped on CONSTANTLY for all the preinstalled stuff.  In fact, they're talking about taking it all out for Windows 7 and just having you download the things you specifically need.  This is actually a move I do NOT support, but most MS critics do.


Do people at least get warned for stating lies?

Anyone can create any application for Mac OS X. There's truckloads of them, both commercial and open source or freeware. I'm using QuickSilver, Adium, Amsn, OpenOffice, Handbrake, ffmpegx, jaikoz, VLC, etc... all excellent freeware software that was made on this open platform called Mac OS X.

I've been using windows back since the days you booted into DOS and had to execute windows for the GUI to pop up and I can tell you macs are better as far as stability goes. Which is no surprise since Mac OS X is nothing but a UNIX-like OS, much like Linux is.

It appears that the only reality distortion field is the one you create yourself to protect you from the harsh reality: windows blows and you shouldn't be using it unless there are critical apps you need not available on alternative, more robust, operating systems like Linux or Mac OS X.

Oh, you mean I shouldn't have been using Windows this whole TIME???????!!!!!!!!!!!  Why didn't you say something earlier?  If you knew what the best OS was for me, you should have told me before!!  I feel like such a chump now!!!!!!

I hate to tell you, but Mac OS is far far far from an open platform.  I find it hilarious that you think that.  It's proprietary just like Windows.  And all the music and graphics software that is supposedly "better" on OSX according to Steve Jobs and his army of morons, is actually quite crippled and stripped down compared to some of the programs that are available on Windows (some of them are ONLY available on Windows).  Garage band is absolute garbage compared to some of the stuff that's out there now, but nobody wants to hear that.  Because.....well......because it's Garage Band!!!  The ultimate software for creating and editing music!!!!!  (Far from it.)  Yes, people write all kinds of software for Mac OS, but there just aren't as many options out there for it, and god forbid if Steve Jobs catches wind of something that's not OSX-like enough.

Mac OSX is more robust and stable you say?  I can tell you right now that despite some of the GUI changes that people hate about Windows Vista, I have had extremely good stability from it, much more so than I got from XP or 2000.  Because I'm a gamer, I felt the need to reinstall XP about once a year.  It would just get sluggish and things would just stop working the way I wanted them to.  I have had Vista installed since launch, and after all the driver issues got worked out, I haven't had one issue with it and I STILL don't feel any need at all to reinstall it.  It's just as snappy and responsive as it was the day I installed it and it's been solid as a rock, even pre-SP1.  I'm not saying everyone has had the same experience, but I am saying that you have absolutely no right to tell me that I should not be using Windows since it "blows". 

And as far as security, it's much easier to hack into a Mac system than a Windows system these days.  You're not impervious to crapware and hackers just because you using a fucking Mac and if you think you, you're an absolute moron.