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^^'' What is going on with the Co op option of Fable 2?

Someone checked the Lionhead forums?  A lot of gamers are dissapointed and some are even very mad:

Hey guys, thanks for the quick fix for the online multi co op. you know just taking a dump and selling it as a cool feature is kinda lame. the co op sucks hard in this game. you cant be your own character. and you cant freaken see anything because of the crappy (and I mean super crappy) camera. 

So, thanks for all the waiting for this cool game with this awesome feature. i hate to tell you but it blows......I dont accept your patch. take it back and give us what you promised. not some cheap knock off.


And I think some of you should read this for sure because one of my MSN friends didn't knew it aswell and he is very pissed about it , just so you know it;

I wasn't going to post but I feel like I must.

Nowhere, NOWHERE, does it say that if I join someone else's game as a generic henchman that it was going to affect my main save game. The guy wanted to go kill everything and everyone in Bowerstone and I agreed, thinking that it wouldn't affect my main save game.


I went back into my main single player game and my guy was pure , the demon. I WASN'T PLAYING AS MY MAIN SAVE GAME. 

No where is it stated that if I join someone else's game (not bring someone into my world, but join someone else's) that my status would affect ANY of my save games.

I now have to start over because you morons couldn't get co-op right. I even feel like taking this game back because I've wasted my time with it.

Poor, very very poor job Lionhead.

WHY ARE THERE NO SAVE SLOTS IN THIS GAME? Why, why why why only 1 save slot. Stupid idea.

Flame away Lionhead lovers.