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Onyxmeth said:
Squilliam said:
Wasn't this one of the big PS3 exclusives? I saw it so many times on the "Lists". It drops, people don't even talk about it, it gets poor reviews and the reviewers took days to actually review the game.


Here we go guys. This is the first of many that will walk in without reading the review. Watch as his comments mimic the score and show no connections towards the the written review itself.


I was more commenting on the bolded.

So its drops and then... silence essentially.

It was released days ago and yet there are only 3 reviews on Metacritic.

This related back to my first point "Wasn't this a big PS3 exclusive?" Essentially the review scores had nothing to do with the fact that hardly anyones talking about it, after seeing this game 100s of times in the "list wars" and hardly any reviews are out.

