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Now hold up I'm not saying all Triple A games are overrated and should have their scores lowered. I'm saying in general it seems like the gaming population overrates Triple A games. I see so many people with this idea "If the game doesn't get over 90 on metacritic I'm not buying it."

Which to me is just ridiculous, the games I have the most fun, a good majority of the time aren't TripleA. An example would be EDF, I spent 15 hours on EDF last weekend a game with a 69 on metacritic. All the Katamari games I put hundreds of hours into and even when it comes to RPGs none of my favorite RPGs were Triple A. Lunar Silver Star Story on PS only recieved a 78 on meta, Tales of Eternia is 82 etc. I'm also the type of person that doesn't enjoy watching blockbuster or epic movies as much such as Casino Royale, 300 etc.

So what do you bright minds of VGChartz think? Has the gaming population in general put Triple A games on a pedestal? Am I simply the odd ball out?

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-