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I also got the game at the midnight launch and I can pretty much agree with everything you said.

I'm enjoying the game, but I was quite disappointed with the graphics. There's been a few glitches with the dog animation, some pop-ins, and frame-rate slowdowns (especially when jumping into water). Also, the pathing seems off and I hate it when you can "push" character models without them reacting. So there are some disappointments, but I'm being quite critical.

However other than these issues, I'm loving it. I played for 4 hours, but spent most of my time taking jobs buying a house, getting married, having a kid... you know, the usual adventurer stuff ;).

I'd give it a 8.9 due to it's unfortunate graphics and animation issues which I was both surprised and disappointed with. Not game breaking, by any means, but a little too apparent which drags down on the games awesomeness enough to keep it out of 9/10 territory. Of course, perhaps it just won't matter anymore as I get further in the game :D.