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Ok, here it goes:

Me and my friend went to a close-by EB games to both pick up our copies of Fable 2.

Anyways, while we we're waiting, we we're looking at posters/billboards of 2 games: Fallout 3 and Left 4 Dead.

Under the Fallout 3 one, it showed certian E3 and GDC awards, and I was like "Yeah, this could/would probably be one of the games of the year 2008."

And the jackass of a friend I have (jokes, he's cool) said "Hell no, Little Big Planet would get so much better reviews, check out that innovation" (I paraphrased that)

He later said I'll bet you $10 Little Big Planet would get higher reviews that F3, I took him on that bet with a somewhat confident attitude. Oh, and we're using Metacritic to find the final score. Now that was settled, We turned over to a poster of Left 4 Dead.

I was later like "this game is going to be sick!"

He said, and I quote "No way, overhyped, it's the next Too Human" I died laughing! He didn't even know who was behind it!

He later said, "The reviews are going to be so crap, less than 70's"

I put him up on the bet that L4D will get 85% or higher on metacritic, and $10 was on the line. He took that bet thinking he's an all-knowing master of somesort. And after we shaked hands, I told him Valve had some part in the development and that he should expect top-notch quality. He still believes that this game would get 84% or lower.


So, with these 2 bets going on with the same friend, how many of them do you think I'd win or lose?