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Oyvoyvoyv said:
DMeisterJ said:
Nope, it won't. It'll be like at 49.5 or something. 360 should be at 26, 26.5 PS3 should be somewhere between 20 - 21.5, and Wii should be 45 million on the dot.

So it should miss the mark by at least 1 million, but at most, 2.5 million.




You do here predict

Wii: 44.75M - 48.5%

Ps3: 21.4M -23.2%

X360: 26.1M - 28.1%



1) Your predictions are very different

2) The prediction in the quote leaves 4% to no-one.



Ummm where do you get 4% in 48.5 23.2 and 28.1? that leaves 0.2%