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I can tell you why a lot of people don't like windows.

1) Cost: Windows XP Home right now costs 139.95 at my store. Vista costs more. Linux is free.
2) Stability: Windows runs on a lot of different hardware, tending to make it unstable. Macintosh runs on Mac hardware, making it more stable.
3) Security: The opposite of security is accesability. Windows is made to be easily accessable, making it the preferred choice for people who want an easy OS. Linux is made to be secure, causing it to have a higher learning curve.
4) Viruses: Besides the security statement above, Macintosh naturally gets less viruses because of the way it is made and its small user base. Linux is more secure than windows, and has a smaller user base.
5) No DRM: I don't know if that is the right term, but MacOS has no CD key or activation. They don't need to have one, their OS only works on their hardware. Linux of course is free. I have had at least one time working as a computer tech to where a legitimate legal license of windows would not activate. Microsoft told me to call HP, and HP said it would cost 50$ for a new key.
6) Vista: Vista is a step backwards for Microsoft. Windows XP is more stable, runs faster and is easier to work on. Also viruses do less damage, people are more familiar with it, does not have the massive incompatability issues Vista does, and does not have Vista's annoying and innefective UAC controls. On the plus side, Vista looks pretty. Many XP users see no need to upgrade to Vista, and do not appreciate it being shoved down their throats on new computers. Many analists are comparing Vista to Windows ME (bad) and Microsoft keeps extending the XP support deadline and keeps pushing the release of Windows 7 forward.
To be fair, MacOS X is incompatible with previous Mac OS. However, they provide a better virtual system for running old programs, and MacOS X is worth it. Vista is not.

And I know I'm going to get labeled "nerd/geek" for this soon. That's fine, I work on computers for a living.