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mrstickball said:
Spankey said:
Squilliam said:
They could load *any* Xbox Live Arcade game straight to memory and run it from there. So it might work to stream it, but the bandwidth costs would be pretty high right?

Thats what I'm thinking too

A viable infrastructure (read F*$&^@G FAST) would need to be in place first in the key markets. I can only see that being there perhaps in 2-3 years time

You are correct sir.

In a perfect world, you'd need massive server farms in every key market for said rendering, as well as FO connections for end users. Otherwise, your not going to get good results from your product.

Is it possible to do cloud rendering on a game like Halo 3 and then send it to your home X360 shell? Yes. But at this point, it'd lag so bad, the game wouldn't be playable for 90% of users. One must remember that the internal bandwidth (the speed at which the processor works with the information) is in the gigabit area...Where is your internet connection at?


They don't need to do that. Since every Xbox Live Arcade game is under 350mb they could load the whole thing to memory. They wouldn't need to render or do anything but send the ~0-350mb of data to the Xbox 360 and store it in local memory.

Oh btw, the internal bandwidth is actually more like 100s of Gigabit region. Remember internal bandwidth is read as Gigabytes and there are 8 bits to a byte so divide the gigabit by 8.

