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kingofwale said:
heruamon said:
kingofwale said:
RPGJock said:
Like it or not though, his PS3 comments just killed a lot Sony sales from kids that look up to Soulja Boy. You guys might joke about his "ethnic" mannerisms and his broken ebonic English, but he sold a lot of records (platinum) and we all know how blind fanboys can be.

And that was free advertisement and Microsoft didn't even have to pay him.


wait wait wait wait wait....


there are people looking up to this... person?




back to off topic.

I don't think Rei is emo, she just doesn't know any human emotions. lol, Shinji is the emo one.

 Back ON topic, since he sold millions of album, so i think MORe people have heard of him, then most of the fanboys on this site, giving their opinions.  So, free endorsements never hurt, and as far as "looking up" depends on how you want to define that.  There are many kids in the video game playing age, who will be affectd by his preference...does that mean he's some acknowledge is Tom Brady an expert on shaving cream, or Dave Beckham on brief?  For anybody dismissing him, just because you don't listen to rap is pretty stupid...and part of why PS3 is lodged in dead last, from first place with over 120 million console for the last gen.   


I can at least understand about David Beckham, he at least (at one point of his career) bought national pride to a nation.

As for "more people have heard of him"... heck, I've heard of many many people, doesn't mean I'd take advices for them.

Anybody who is willing to make major console purchase decisions... based on some guy on TV who apparently hasn't mastered English as first language, isn't really even worth talking about there.



Last but not least... no, people aren't dismissing him because they 'don't listen to rap'. They... or shall i say. "we"? dismiss him because of soooo many more obvious reasons, starting with the obvious one "PS3 aint got no games"...  Let's be serious, even the dumbest fanboy who probably already got banned already, had more interesting things to say and made better arguments than he did. it national pride that made Beckham a superstar...glad to know that...I thought it was his ability to bend the ball.  No one is saying he's a "role model"...the point is that he can influence the buying habits of some of his fans...and considering that his album sold millions of albums, he does have a fan base (actually, he probably had more people listen to his music then PS3 has  Is he going to be the death of PS3...hardly, but who do you think kids are going to listen to...a 18 year old rapper, who's album they know by hard, or some gamer reviewers...hmmm...let me think?

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder