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Barozi said:
megaman79 said:
Wii fps controls do shame any former control scheme. Don't deny the one benefit that the Wii has because your to proud to admit it. Theres not enough FPS games and with time maybe you will be proven as the Holocaust denier that you are.

I think graphically the Wii cant match up to PS360 but it doesn't mean with time this won't change. If EA are building a golf ( or tennis i forget) game ground up for the Wii first and then migrating that build to the PS360 maybe then we will see the difference.

Don't try to convince me what I have to think.


There is a law called The right to freedom of opinion and expression.

HA! I don't think you can pull human rights laws unless he's got out the hadcuffs.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.