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EDIT: I realise this initial post isn't very clear in the two points I wanted to address (regarding MM9), so please read my later post for clarification. Especially just noticed that "Retry" can be misinterpreted - I meant a function to start the whole level from scratch with full lives! Sorry for my inability to explain what I mean properly!


Megaman 9 has two:

1 - There is no "Retry" option, meaning that if I lose a life before a checkpoint the most logical cause of action is to hurl myself down a hole repeatedly until I lose all of them.

2 - On the final level, I cannot save between the four separate stages (well, I can but if I load the saved file I am sent right back to the start of the first stage). Being that I have infinite continues, this doesn't make much sense. These levels are exhaustingly difficult and all I ask for is a break between completing them without having to leave my console running (I wanted to play something more sedate on the same machine).


I know the game is a homage to the NES classics but that's no excuse. They included a few (relatively) modern features (a save function rather than passwords, the challenges) because they add to the game. Could they not have also removed the archaic design flaws that detract from it?


PLEASE NOTE: I'm not annoyed at the high difficulty level, just the lack of logic in the two mechanics described above.