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Good point Dinomax. I used to be a casual gamer.

According to my parents the first thing I noticed when opening my eyes after being born was a Magnavox Odyssey right by the hospital tv. Later on while lying on the floor, I somehow 'fell' onto the console and got hold of a controller! l looked at it but I was unable to figure out the horizontal-vertical controllers. Instead I managed to press the reset button angering some older kid. You got to keep in mind that I had yet to develop proper intelligence. I remained unaware of it all and I have in no way been scarred for life. I now found myself in a sticky situation. The following events have been recorded in a hospital journal and told to me by my parents.. At the exact moment of me pressing the reset button and the older kid standing up shouting at me, a nurse walked by in the hallway. She immediately entered the room and saw him holding a box of Legos above my head. She came to my aid and I'm still alive today able to post all of this to you!Six years later my parents divorced and my dad moved into a new apartment nextdoor to the video arcades. I developed master skills and I  know consider myself to be among the top 500 videogamers alive

I think what Dinomax is trying to say here is that it doesn't matter how you first enter the world of videogaming. No matter how you do it you end up a loser.