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outlawauron said:
Spanx said:
Ari_Gold said:
no FPS game from ps3/360 looks as bad as the conduit, maybe vampire rain, But there are other games from other genres that are worse, such as operation darkness, bomberman act zero, and spectral force 2. I disagree with your opinion that FPS games are better on Wii just because of the wiimote, i like my dual sticks, so to each his or her own.

Dude saying dual-stick is better for FPS its the same to say that a point an click works better with analog sticks too. But ok It's your opinion...

You said maybe vampire rain? This shows how fanboyist your are. Vampire Rain looks undoubtly worse than the Conduit.


You realize that controls are a perference and therefore an opinion. I think dual analog is much better than Wii controls and keyboard and mouse. I prefer the traditional console set up. Sue me.

I'd say Vampire Rain is close,  but again, we haven't seen the finished product of The Conduit. Only touched screens.




It's ugly, but it doesn't looks undoubtly worse.

Are you suggesting the pics we've seen from The Conduit are altered?


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