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heruamon said:
Cueil said:
gebx said:
8.0 Presentation
The story is nothing special, but Albion is a believable world full of interesting people.
8.0 Graphics
The environments are impressive, and there’s a wide variety of looks for your character. The spells are visually potent.
8.5 Sound
Solid voice acting and a script packed with humor. The music takes some unexpected, but welcome, turns.
8.5 Gameplay
The combat system is a success and for the most part, the economic and morality systems work well, and the dog is a great addition. The co-op, though, is not up to par.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
The main quest is short, but there are numerous other distractions. If you invest yourself in Fable II, you can spend easily spend 30 hours in Albion. If not, you can truck through in under 10 hours.
(out of 10 / not an average)


I understand that the overall is not the average, but how does it get an 8.8 overall when it didn't score higher then 8.5 on any of the categories??



It's how the reviewer felt about the game as a whole of it's parts... a game is not always a sum of it's parts

Sry, but the score doesn't add up to me.  The IGN review looked rushed, imho.  The Gamespot says making money is too lacks depth...HUH? 


Well, if the original Fable is anything to go by, the story will certainly lack a lot of depth, in fact, if we go strictly by the first one, the story should be horrible. I wonder why some important WRPGs lack a good story, I'm not asking for a JRPG-quality story, but for example KotOR and Mass Effect have good stories (better KotOR than ME, though), seems like Molyneux doesn't know how to tell a good story