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I got a second Wiimote when I bought Wii Play and then I bought a second nunchuk. I have a classic controller and then recently I found a nice Gamecube-Wii compatible wireless controller from some company I never heard of (Blockhead, I think). I made sure to hold on to the receipt just in case. I picked up a wireless keyboard for the Wii which is kinda ehhh...functional at best. I also got a Nyko Charge Station and I think everybody should have some sort of charging optiion instead of always having to worry about batteries. Oh and I have the balance board too when I got Wii Fit.

This is where I think Nintendo dropped the ball. There are so many good accessory options and so few of them are from Nintendo. Now Nintendo is simply printing money now so they're certainly not hurting financially but they could've been printing that money that much quicker.

I'll come up with something better eventually...