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kowenicki said:

I have had windows phones for years. Now got a HTC Diamond with Windows 6.1 (much better than 5 or 6).. awesome.The Iphone is the biggest con in the history of hardware, style over substance or what!? The new one is a tad better but still....


Dude, NICE phone.  I love those HTC phones.  I got a Samsung Access recently that I absolutely love, but it's not running any kind of mobile OS.  (I do have the Flo mobile TV service though, which is incredible.)

Anyway, to the OP:  I love Windows.  Always have.  There is a mass delusion out there that Macs never break, never have problems, are impervious to viruses and adware, and always "just work".  Not one of these things is true.  The Mac OS is just about the least secure OS out there, and Macs DO break down.  Just like every other piece of electronics in the world.  But the illusion created by the advertising has an effect on people that I will never understand.  I guess I'm immune to Steve Jobs' reality distortion field.

I am a Windows guy through and through.  In fact I was messing around with Vista during the RC1 stage.  I have been running the retail version since launch on my gaming PC.  For the first month or two, the video card drivers were god awful.  After Nvidia and ATI got their act together, everything was fine.  I have had virtually zero issues with Vista since launch.  In fact, my $700 Gateway laptop that I got at Best Buy about a year ago runs Vista just fine!  And I still like XP as well, but I don't think I could ever go back to it other than the fact that I still have to use it at work.