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memory2zack said:
because it´s not worthy to post. Every sane person knows the meaning of hardcore and that whatever videogame is not hardcore per se, only people are. It´s only a matter of taste and knowledge of non-famous games/publishers. Under different social background, other games could have been considered "hardcore" and other "casual". Just like GTA became "casual" from "hardcore".
Well before Atari, there were other consoles. Were they wide accepted? No. Did they have a loyal following? Yes, most likely. So it´s thanks to these loyal old gamers, also called "hardcore" these days, that the gaming market kept slowly growing and managed later on to tap a wider market. So "hardcore" gave birth to "casual". "Hardcore" is the beginning and "casual" the goal. And this applies to practically every digital entertainment market and sub-market. "Hardcore" is an indispensable source of income for a new market that has as a goal to become popular.

That be all true.  But once again history says other wise. 

Bushnell attempted to sell a complicated game before PONG.  Computer Space.  But this happened.

""It landed in the coin-op industry with a resounding “thud”. Amusement operators who were used to buying jukeboxes and pinball machines had no idea what to do with it. The controls were too complicated, and the game too confusing for the average barroom (read: drunk) player.

"Nobody wants to read an encyclopedia to play a game"x - Bushnell on Computer Space""

The videogame industry was non existant.  Completly isolated from anyone who didn't have a degree in computer graphics design since it wasn't mass produced either.  If Bushnell didn't go with this approach it would of still being where it was.

It didn't exist literally until Pong, a simpler, easier, casual friendly game was released which made Bushnell profit and lead to him mass producing then founding Atari.

So how did hardcore gaming give birth to casual gaming?  When casual gaming actually started the market and made more profit for Bushnell than his Hardcore title?