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Godot said:
Blu-Ray have been completely decrypted by a few group of people including Slysoft the maker of anydvd. So it's possible por someone to rip a blu-ray and make a back-up. The thing is that making a backup is not enough. The console needs to be modified internally for it to play backup games. It hasn't been done yet but it really has nothing to do with Blu-Ray. You could say that Sony has been better than Nintendo and Microsoft to protect their hardware. It's not surprising as Sony is a member of the RIAA, MPAA and already have a certain expertise with DRM(securom on Spore for example).


It's not so much that they have been better is that they removed most of the icentives in hacking the PS3 for the non-pirates ( and those are actually the better hackers by far).

PS2 got hacked to hell because for example to run Linux you had to buy a 100$ kit that was only available for sale for a short time. End result every hacker that wanted to play with the machine had to hack their way through the PS2 OS as there is no way they were paying 100$ for that...

PS3 can be dual booted to Linux out of the box and Sony even explains you how... So there is 0 incentive for non pirate to hack the PS3 OS


Believe it or not, the best hackers/coders in the world are not pirates, pirate just usually take advantage of their work..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !