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If I'm buying a new game for full price, I want my game to be factory sealed. For that reason, unless a game is really cheap there, I almost never buy at Gamestop. I also don't care for buying used games. It seems silly to buy a used game and only save about 10-20% at most unless it's an older game and even then, the savings might not be more than a few dollars. Another thing that bugs me about Gamestop and EB is that many of the employees think they're God's gift to gamers. Some of them really seem to have this ego or attitude. It's hard to take them seriously when they make minimum wage and about as big a nerd as anyone yet try to act like they're uber-cool.

I'll buy my games at Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal-Mart or Target, thank you.

I'll come up with something better eventually...