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let me juss say that 360 is HEAVILY advertised in japanese video gamestores (Game Corner , thats what there called)...if you walk in any gamestore its like its being shoved down your mouth (i mean no offense to anyone) ive seen countless displays like that one but no one STILL pays that much atention to them....they realy support nintendo and sony alot down there ,and like 25% of the people ive seen carry a psp with them another 25% a DS.
so yes maybe 360 is having one of its better moments in japan , but dont let these pictures convince you that the xbox 360 is the next big thing in japan
the adds are due to the very bad sales for 360 in japan ..NOT because its doing good , on the contrary the slight increase in sales is because of those ads .

lol it took me a while but i saw the RROD