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Exactly, i've been saying the exact same thing for years, RPGs don't limit themselves to the traditional JRPG way (heavily used in series like FF and DQ), and i'll think a lot of people will be confused with The Last Remnant if they only think there's only one way to do RPGs... The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is an ARPG...

About consoles, i have to choose between SNES, PS1 and PS2, every one has it's merits, the SNES introduced the first complex stories, the PS1 did the 3D and cutscenes transition that we all enjoy today, and finally the PS2 brought us a massive gama of different RPG titles, really huge...

But apart from the podium, a special mention has to go to the Game Boy who was the 1st platform for Pokemon, a force that did the unimaginable: Surpass in popularity the most famous RPG franchises (Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest) and consolidate as the 2nd best selling franchise (behind Mario)...