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RPGJock said:
Like it or not though, his PS3 comments just killed a lot Sony sales from kids that look up to Soulja Boy. You guys might joke about his "ethnic" mannerisms and his broken ebonic English, but he sold a lot of records (platinum) and we all know how blind fanboys can be.

And that was free advertisement and Microsoft didn't even have to pay him.


I live in the hood, I listen to rap/hip hop (although I have really stopped listening to rap/hip hop for like almost a year, well the mainstream crap anyways) and I can vouch for that. High School kids do his dance (I can't lie, I used to do it) and like his songs, because they are "club bangers" and thats wat all these kids are into now, clubs and smoking weed/drinking and all that cuz it's wat's "in." Anyways, his audience is high school kids (I would hope people that are not in high school don't listen to him) and high school kids buy games and consoles so yea. Maybe kids are actually smart enough to make their mind up for themselves and actually pay attention and see that "PS3 does have games"