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thejuicingamer said:

I remember back when I had my original xbox about 4 years ago it would start smoking in the back where the power cable connected, shortly afterwards a story of how an xbox caught fire hit the media and MS started shipping out those new Power cables with the little buttons on them that did absolutly nothing to fix the problem since it wasnt the cable, and btw my xbox still smoked even with that new cable... anyway now we've got the 360 and every new model/chip in the 360 promises to be more reliable and all that crap but the issue is not the chip but the design that causes the 360 to overheat itself to death, i'm really frustrated about this.... and for anyone saying " oh the rrod % has gone down" thats not the case at all based on my personal accounts and 2 of my friends who both got the rrod off of new xbox's they recieved last christmas.. it's an epidemic.


I'm not really surprised that you kept using the XBox after it was smoking in the back...
