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It's not my favorite, but is a game I recently played so...

Boyd: "I am the milkman, my milk is delicious."
Raz: "Boyd? Are you okay?"
Boyd: "Time for the final delivery to this address."
(Boyd picks up some milk bottles)
Raz: "Hey, is that milk regular kind or the exploding dream kind?"
Boyd: "It's fortified with what the world wants. What the world deserves."
Raz: "Are you sure that you don't want to just... talk about this Boyd?"

and also...

"Hey Boyd, why are you trying to burn down the asylum?"

I lol'd throughout most of the game, but the Asylum part was just... brilliant. The whole game is highly quotable...

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!