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Kotaku is in on the fun now! Yay! [/sarcasm] (they got the release month off)

Haterade. And some of you wonder why Capcom felt the need to comment on this. There's a difference between keeping a company on its toes (which we should do), and rushing to judgement. And honestly, it hurts those judging more than the judged. Look at Wii Fit. The hardcore community decided they hated it, and look at how well that hurt the game.

On the other hand, they gave Lair something of a chance before it came out, so when it got panned, there was good reason, and Factor 5 decided to do something else, and fixed that game.

But how that applies to this game, who knows? If the early criticism encouraged Capcom to work harder on the game, and even caused that delay just to get it right, then we were doing out job. With the final build done, anything other than wait and see is just a waste of time, until we see the final build.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs