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The Ghost of RubangB said:
1) I would wish for a magic box that duplicates anything I put into it. I can double my money forever, as well as tasty food and drinks I have on me. I'd have a bottomless everything.

2) I would wish for immortality.

3) I don't know, I only need 2 wishes. If I was immortal and had unlimited money and resources I'd pretty much save the world from every crisis ever. What would be a good 3rd wish for my situation? I guess.... the ability to teleport with what I'm wearing and anything/anyone I'm holding onto, so I wouldn't need to wait around at airports. I'd never need a designated driver, and could just get wasted and teleport all around the world and then straight into bed.

Dam dude, you pretty much summed it all up.  I'm pretty paranoid though.  I remember in Twisted Metal when you get to the end of the game to get your wish, then it was distorted in some twisted way to royally screw you over, like the man who wanted to be a star and have his face seen by everyone; his face was literally stretched out over the sky to be literally seen by everyone...

Assuming that the 3 wishes are guarenteed to be interpreted the way you want, flawlessly:

1 - An infinite amount to be injected into my checking and savings account; I can transfer any number of currency to anyone I please to help out those in need/give gifts to everyone.

2 - Invention of a cure-all pill with no side effects; it will do anything from curing aids/cancer to stimulate weight loss until desired weight is achieved.  With the advent of this pill, it can be mass-produced of course at factories so that everyone can have access to it.  It would have the option of being sold genericly so anyone can afford it.

3 - Invention of a hyper-element, which when harnessed, would provide a limitless amount of energy.  Power plants could be produced using this element as it's source, thus enabling free-energy for electricity, automobiles, etc.