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tuoyo said:
Groucho said:
tuoyo said:
NeoRatt said:
Does Wii lack 3rd party support? No... There are tons of games out there...

Does the Wii lack AAA 3rd party support. YES.

Most of the 3rd party support are either reinvented late PS2 generation games (House of Dead), cut down current generation games (Deadrising, Godfather, etc.), or just plain shovelware (Endless titles fall here). There are very few real AAA games that are part of this generation (Call of Duty 3, Force Unleashed, etc.).

Call of Duty 3, Force Unleashed AAA?  Oh no things must be even worse than I thought on the 3rd party front if we have to treat these as AAA to have any AAA 3rd party games on Wii


A title's budget, not your personal opinion, determines the "AAA" status of a title.  A "AAA" title does not have to be a critical success to have "AAA" status -- same thing with movies, which is the industry where the labelling comes from.

Anyone who knows the difference between "AAA" and "A", in terms of college sports leagues, movies, etc. understands what this means.  There are plenty of "AAA" college sports teams who would be bested by better "A" division teams, were they pitted against one another.

CoD3 and SW: Force Unleashed were, unquestionably, "AAA" titles.


Has nothing to do with my personal opinion.  I haven't even played either of those games.  But surely there has to be something besides budget.  It has to be widely accepted as a quality game.  If a game cost $100 million to make and gets an average review score of 1 would you seriously suggest it is AAA?


Budget.  That's it.  Sorry.  

Yes, there are plenty of crappy AAA games, but that doesn't change the economics of what "AAA" means.  A "AAA" title is a title that a publisher is willing to throw a lot of money at, which is what its all about, in the end...  investment and return.


This thread is no different.  Asking the question "are publishers willing to put AAA titles on the Wii?" or similar, is effectively asking "how much money are those publishers will to throw at a single Wii title?" -- which is relevant in this discussion (and many on this site), because largely games with budgets over, or at least close to, 20 million USD (which is generally considered "AAA", if you're a game developer) are good games.  There are exceptions, but money invested usually does make a pretty substantial difference in product quality.