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Soriku, why are you getting involved in this drama? You should know by now that when Sony fanboys focus so intensely on something they hadn't acknowledged before (Sky Crawlers), that it's simply deflection. They're hiding something and they're trying to take attention away from it.

I realized this last year when Ratchet & Clank debuted to poor sales. Sony fans had been hyping and droning on about that game, then all of a sudden it comes out and all the Sony fanboys are claiming that Mario Galaxy flopped in Japan. Uh, what? It was simply a distraction. I had been wondering why none of them was talking about a game they had been hyping for months on end.

This is a similar situation. Think about. Who are we talking about? Namco. What was the last big game they released? Eternal Sonata for the PS3. Sony fans claimed that it would move hardware, outsell the 360 version week 1, etc. None of that happened. The game flopped hard, and it won't even outdo the 360 version by the end of its lifetime. That's bad. Hence, the deflection.

Anyone who's been paying attention knows that Namco isn't going to drop development on Wii over the underperformance of a licensed game. They've got like 15 Wii games in development now, including the big gun, the next Tales. If anything the PS3 is going to get dropped, because of the 3 consoles it's the one they've supported the least. And that scares the people in this thread.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"