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I don't think PS3 Hacking will take off with people, mostly due to cost...

Lets say it was hacked though:

Burning a game to a BluRay Disk: Like many have already said, each disc is expensive, and then you need a BluRay burner which is more expensive, then you need the bandwidth and HDD space to download it...

Burning a game to the Hard Drive: The PS3 uses the 2.5" laptop Hard Drives, which we all know is real expensive compared to a 3.5" desktop ones... So you spend all this money for a 300GB to fit 25-50GB Games? all that for 6-12 games?

Compared to the Wii, where each disc will cost you 20 cents
And the Xbox1, where you plug in a 500GB HDD, and you can play over 200 Xbox Games

As far as PS3 Hacking goes, what will make it explode on the scene is homebrew, XBMC. PS3 has far more potential in XBMC then the Xbox360