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bigjon said:

The socialism go further than just a progessive tax system.  Adam Smith believed in no regulation.

Also, Powell said that his vote was not a vote against McCain... there goes your theory about Powell = Buckley down the shitter.

I freaking said that Powell truly did believe Obama was a better pick and I trust Powells judgement. I said the only difference was that if Obama was the same guy but white, Powell would have not felt compelled to risk his neck and endorse him.

McCain is for more regulation.  McCain is also for the bailout.  Is John McCain a socialist?

Adam Smith believed in a progressive tax system.  Is Adam Smith a socialist?

As mentioned earlier, Powell actually donated to McCain's campaign earlier on.  Powell said that he decided to endorse Obama after McCain 'failed the final exam' which he considered the financial crisis.  Powell said that McCain was not calm and collected during the crisis but managed to come out with a new plan everyday.  Like Buckley, Powell is just another Republican who supports Obama because he knows that between the two, Obama is best for the country.