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ManusJustus said:

Repost, only this version is full of crap.

Colin Powell endorsed Obama for the same reason that Christopher Buckley endorsed Obama, they both know McCain very well and realize that it would be better to vote for the opposing party than let the country suffer.

And when are we going to talk about Adam Smith's socialist tendencies?  Yeah, Adam Smith's ideas that the rich should pay more taxes than the poor puts him right in there with Karl Marx.


 What the fuck are you talking about, repost? I am fucking saying that I am lightening up on Obama, I was just giving my reasons why I am still holding back my vote.

And quit this Adam Smith bs- he was a Laisse Faire capitalist, how the heck are you going to compare him to Obama?

The socialism go further than just a progessive tax system. It is his whole ideology of bigger government. Now if we want to keep talking Smith we can. I believe when it came to gov he believed its only purpose was to defend its citizens... he believed in no regulation. I believe that if people actually used his system it would work the best, but it would lead to monopolies (it did). I think a hybrid of his system is best. No regulation, but with strict oversight, which would kinda fit his system still because all oversight would be is protect the people.

Also, Powell said that his vote was not a vote against McCain... there goes your theory about Powell = Buckley down the shitter.

I freaking said that Powell truly did believe Obama was a better pick and I trust Powells judgement. I said the only difference was that if Obama was the same guy but white, Powell would have not felt compelled to risk his neck and endorse him.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut