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bigjon said:

Obama does not like the people of the middle class at all, he just knows he needs their votes to win. Just look at the way he treats "heartland" americans. Attacking Joe the plumber, degrading Sarah Palin, saying the PA folks just cling to their Gun and God... I think those instances were him let some of how he really feels about them seep through.

So Obama doesn't like the middle class but he wants to help them, and by the same logic McCain likes the middle class but doesnt want to help them.

Claiming that Obama attacked Joe the Plumber is ridiculous.  John McCain and Republicans put Joe the Plumber in the spotlight, and as the media descended on Joe they also uncovered that the was lying about his income, an illegal/unlicensed plumber, and owes taxes.  Of course, it was neither McCain or Obama's fault, its the media fault in the way they sesationalize everything, from Joe the Plumber to Brittney Spears.

No one has to degrade Sarah Palin, she does that all by herself.  For the first time, comedians can simply let actors re-enact Palin word for word, because that is funny all by itself.