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Square-Enix has been on a bit of a downturn since the end of last generation. Don't get me wrong S-E still makes great games, but their former dominance and command has faded a bit in recent years especially while everyone is just waiting for FF [v]XIII. They're enjoying their remake sales and such but the real S-E games haven't even started this generation, so they might even make a sudden rise to power again once Lost Remnant comes out. However do you guys think Level-5 can be the next S-E type developer. Level-5 is already working on Dragon Quest IX, White Knight Chronicles, and The Another World all of which look great. Seeing a game studio working with people like Akira Toriyama and Hayao Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli reminds me of projects like Chrono Trigger, and that's a huge plus because I love those collaboration games. Do you think they'll stay independent or merge with another company like Square did with Enix? Personally I really hope they stay indepenpent and grow because I believe they'll keep bringing fresh games to a market that is getting clogged with cookie cutter games. I wouldn't mind them becoming a first party too much either, but then I might have to buy another console just to play their games.