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bigjon said:

Ok, so I have been thinking about this. I think that this will really help Obama alot. Why? Because it actually has calmed a few fears of mine about Obama.

I know part of Powells endorsement was racial, but I do not think that Powell is the type of person that is petty enough to endorse him just because of race. I think Powell really does think Obama would be good for America. I think the role that race has played in it is that Powell would not have crossed party lines if Obama was a white guy. This obviously would not change my vote but does ease my worries as I see obama leading in the polls.

There are still a few things that hold me back from Obama-

1. His Socialist tendencies

2. I think he would try and limit our free speech. I have noticed a pattern with him that whenever someone attacks him he goes after them. He did it with WGN, and now he is trying it with Foxnews. I also believe he supports the fairness doctrine. Which would be a violation of free speech.

The Positives-

1. He would help our Image WW ( I think mccain would be fine there too, but Obama would be better)

2. He is good at commincating with the american people, as long as he does as he said he would and is bipartison when he is pres I think it could work out ok.


Still what it comes down to is his policies are too liberal.

1. what do you mean by help?  will it get him more votes? ...probably not.  will republicans fear him a bit less?  i hope so.

2. welcome to politics...if you can find me a politician that hasn't used that tactic to ward off critizism i will literally mail you a cookie.