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BMaker11 said:
"The 360 is doing good in Japan"

I saw that and didn't even care about the RRoD (who am I kidding...yes I did! lol) sold a couple thousand more units than the PS3 and all of a sudden it's "doing good" but when in November of last year, the PS3 outsold the Wii for a was just a fluke...


It was three weeks in November of last year -- according to VG Chartz -- that the PS3 outsold the Wii in Japan. It almost appears at if the Wii were supply constrained though or people were waiting for their holiday purchases. Beacuse Wii sales shot up like a rocket for the rest of the year while PS3 sales stayed in the same 30k-50k range. (Also of note, the week before outselling the Wii, the PS3 was edged by the Xbox 360).

Over the last dozen weeks, the Xbox 360 has outsold the PS3 six times, including the last five weeks. (The first week of the current stretch, the X360 even outsold the Wii by close to 100 units.) However, because of the small sales volume of both HD consoles, the differences between Xbox 360 sales and PS3 have gone from 20k the first week to less than 1k the last two. 

Thus, anything bad -- such as an RRoD in a display for days on end -- is just bad for Microsoft as its recent in roads could be easily reversed.


Mike from Morgantown



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