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NJ5 said:
HappySqurriel said:

I'm not saying that Global Warming isn't happening, or that man is not having an effect on it, but when people start to understand how heavily manipulated they have been they're going to revolt against the people who have been manipulating them.


Do you think people would care that much? These last few weeks, people and newspapers keep talking about how a bunch of greedy bankers and their bribed politicians screwed up the economy with potentially lasting damage, and I don't see anyone revolting even though their taxes are being used to bail out these same bankers.

Revolt seems to be out of fashion these days. We're mostly complacent.



Revolt may not be the correct word, but I think I can give another analogy which will demonstrate what will happen ...

Leading up to the war in Iraq there were claims that Iraq was working on developing, and would soon have, weapons of mass destruction. There were lots of people (like myself) who argued that this was unlikely (and my personal argument was the actions of the US government were inconsistent with how they had previously reacted to countries that were developing nuclear weapons). Contrary opinions were silenced by the government and the media and people (generally) supported the war with the reasons they were given.

Being that most of the reasons used to go to war were not true or were heavily manipulated, support for the war has slowly disapeared; this is even though total casulties under the Bush administration is lower than the casulties under the Clinton administration and Iraq is becomming a very stable country.

To what extent do you think that the government could get people to consider a war against Iran or North Korea under the premise that they were developing nuclear weapons to use against friendly/allied nations like Japan and Israel? Even though the threat of these countries developing weapons is far higher, and the probability that they would use these weapons is far higher, the support for any action against these countries would be very small because people have become skeptical about the information they're given.

Now, consider how people will react to any future environmental threat if they think that Global Warming was 'Made Up'?