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Sqrl said:

I'm curious what people's thoughts are on Abiotic Petrol Origins.

I've seen the theory a couple of times but never actually heard anyone address the facts of it and this article makes a few claims that to my superficial inspection seem true, but thats not exactly good enough for me.

Can any of you shed more light on it?

From what I read, almost no geologists take that theory seriously anymore. Virtually all oil samples contain easily detectable biological markers.

From that article:

Contrarily, the statistics of the international petroleum industry establish that, far from diminishing, the net known recoverable reserves of petroleum have been growing steadily for the past fifty years. Those statistics show that, for every year since about 1946, the international petroleum industry has discovered at least five new tons of recoverable oil for every three which have been consumed.

As Professor P. Odell of the London School of Economics has put it, instead of "running out of oil," the human race by every measure seems to be "running into oil".

This is so misleading... These new oil reserves were found in previously unexplored places, how can someone seriously take this as evidence that oil is quickly forming in front of our eyes?

The oil companies have spent billions and billions in exploration, that's the only reason why new reserves were found.


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