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Why is IGN such a highly vaunted opinion? Thats all it is remember, opinion. To take one review from a company, with in my opinion too much influence, that likely grades games based on the amount of traffic (revenue from ads) generated by a sensationalist review (GTA 4 = 10) than on any actual merits of the game, is rather ignorant of you, not to put too fine a point on it. Its not as though we're talking about a completely unbiased and objective source of information here, immaculate to the point of taking their word as laq, but an opinion based article written with a number of possible detractors from a game that could very well not be the games fault (The man writing the review doesn't like the genre, he doesn't have the time for an in depth review so he skims it, Sega games don't see as many reviews, which means fewer expensive adds, which means there won't be an uproar if the review is unfair ect).