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I own a Wii, and I think I'm happy with it so far. I definitely want a PS3, keeping 360 as a possible choice. As a Wii owner I still want the other consoles, but Wii will do for now. The Wii is my first Nintendo console, so I'll see how I take to it, if I like it like I like my PS1 and PS2 then I'll keep Nintendos next console as an option.

Next Gen though, I don't think I'll rush to buy a new console, I think that was a mistake I made this time around. I preferred it when I got my PS1 and PS2 late, had plenty of games to choose from and the games were cheap, and the console was fairly cheap to because they were old.

This gen, I bought a Wii way too early - too close after release and I don't think I'm done with my PS2 yet. There are still plenty of games I want for my PS2 and they're much cheaper than all the new games coming out. And at the end of this gen, I'm expecting I'll be in the same situation with my new consoles.