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Username2324 said:
Here, I'll make it simple for you:

Go ahead now, plenty of videos for you to be watching.


Actually a good start haha.  Of course its a good thing you aren't a lawyer haha because I'm sure the judge would laugh at you haha but ok.  I just watched a video of the game Call of Duty 2 and I think its graphics are not as good as The Conduit.   Being an empirical statement I have the burden of proof to prove it and I do have that proof.  My proof is that perception is reality or to sum it up for you what is best is always in the eyes of the beholder. 

Now I won't even let you dangle on this because that would be cruel.  You actually can't prove your statement correct because there is no possible way because there is no basis on how to say if a game is better graphically than the other.  Because the graphics, or visual, is what you see it is perception and perception is reality meaning its always an opinion. 

So why did I lead you all the way to this.. to make a point and that being beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and it always will be that way so why spend all this time arguing what looks better.  Point taken.  I think the topic creator was getting at something similar.