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Don't think you are wrong or right. I've never said that once. I've simply asked you to back up a statement that you claim to be the truth, which is what an empirical statement is if you are still wondering.

Unfortunately its not good enough to know your right. I know there is no god in the world but does that make it true. No it simply makes it an opinion. Unlike this situation I actually can't prove it, yet, so it remains an opinion. Theoretically you could prove your statement correct but it would take awhile.

I don't mean to be so hard on ya but people shouldn't be allowed to jsut say what they want and simply have it respected out of assumption. I'm here to take that down because it's those who claim to know the truth who are the most dangerous in the world. Now of course this statement isn't dangerous but things like this posted in forums sure do cause a lot of "flame" threads if ya know what I mean.