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TheRealMafoo said:
Zucas said:

Point of this thread is to debunk a myth... they myth that we can help drop gas prices and lessen dependence on foreign oil by drilling more here. It's a complete lie and nothing but tricks politcians are using such that you will vote for them. The only viable option is to start investing more in alternative energies and move in that direction while slowly phasing out our usage of oil starting with the ones we get from the foreign countries. This is what we need to do.



I see it a little differently. Both candidates say that moving off of foreign oil is a 10 year plan. That means it will take longer then that. I think the most important thing we can do for national security is to get off of dependance for foreign oil.

We do that in two ways. One is find alternative sources, and the second is to increase domestic production. For every barrel additional we can make, is that much sooner we get off of foreign dependancy.

We will never be off of oil 100%. All we can do is reduce it's usage. The goal is to make as much as we need... We would get to that goal sooner if we produced more then we produce today.


Is it worth the environmental cost to drill more here?  I don't think its worth it.  America is going to be dependent on foreign oil whether we like it or not. The only way we can break that dependence is through becoming a self sustaining nation by using alternative energy as our drive.  And as you said eventually we'd hit a point where we've phased enough off where we don't need foreign oil and we'll have enough we are producing here to satisfy that percent.

But that's the point of this thread.  We have so little oil that evne if we did up production in the areas that's been stated would the time differential be that significant. Not to mention we'll be spending more money as well be investing in alternative energies and extra drilling.  It's better and cheaper if we continue to take the blunt of problems we are getting from foreign oil until we can phase it out.  Not to mention we can't keep doing this to the environment anyways. 

Your idea along with the politicians is in no way something that couldn't work but it isn't ideal meaning its not an issue.  When there is something we can do that is better why wouldn't we do it?  100% attention towards changing America to becoming less dependent from oil and more dependent upon alternative energy is the best solution.  Thsi is what politicians need to be telling people because it may not be what they want to hear but its what they need to hear. 

Extra drilling just shouldn't be an option because there just are no benefits to it of what the goal should be.  For once we need to think in the long term instead of the short term.