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Username2324 said:
Zucas said:
Username2324 said:
No PS3 or 360 game played in 480p looks worse than the Conduit. End of thread.


I'd hate to say it but the burden of proof of that is on you. Meaning ever PS3 and or 360 game ever created you need to post a video of it in 480p compared to the eventual final project to make that true.

Don't make empirical statements if you can't back it up.

You don't think I'm right? Prove me wrong, meaning you post any PS3 or 360 game that looks worse.

The simple fact that most games are, or attempt to be rendered in 720p almost gaurantee that they would look better than anything the Wii is capable of in 480p.


Haha that's cute tryign to get out of it.  YOU made the empirical statement... not me.  Meaning the burde of proof is on YOU and not me.  So either you retract it as an opinion which requires no proof or you start researching now.  No one is going to take your word on it so start.