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ps4 I think that's going to be the best. The ps3 right now is so powerful, it's full potential might not be reached this gen. I have yet to here of any game that can do so. Even killzone 2 only uses 4.5 processors of ps3's 8. It has taken killzone 2 almost four years to make. They will probably come out with a new feature that is new and innovative besides being the most technologically advanced. I have read that the ps4 might not be that big of a jump in terms of processing power and graphics from ps3. And they've come out with something new and innovative each system. The psone was the first system to use cds. The ps2 was the first system to use dvds. The psp was one of the first handeld to device to have it's own disc format. It was also one of the first portable videoplayers and still has one of the best handheld screens. The ps3 introduced blu-ray and has technology built into it far beyond any of the competition.